During World War I, the German treasury was low in gold, its budget was unbalanced, and inflation went sky high. In 1919, the German mark was worth twenty US cents, or four marks to the dollar. Within four years it plunged in value to seven thousand marks to the dollar in January, one hundred sixty thousand to the dollar in July, and one million to the dollar in August.
Panic and madness swept the country. People carried suitcases of money to buy a sausage. And the mark kept falling—until, when in November of that year, 4.2 trillion marks were needed to equal one dollar in buying power.
The value of every pension was wiped out, and all security was gone. At that point, the people were ready to listen to anyone who could voice their bitterness. Enter Adolph Hitler.
In a 1979 Time magazine article entitled, "Inflation: Who Is Hurt Worst?" forty-three-year-old Arthur Garcia seemed to speak out of great frustration for a number of people. One could understand why, because at the time, he was supporting a wife and five children on a salary of $19,000 as a worker in US Steel's South Chicago mill. In the article, he was quoted making this statement: "You really want to revolt, but what can you do? I keep waiting for a miracle—for some guy who isn't born yet. And when he comes, we'll follow him like he was John the Baptist."
This is no longer 1979, but signs are evident that both the US and the world's economies are shaky. Things could happen quickly, setting the stage for the world to receive a man who will control the global economy in the way described in Revelation 13:16–17
. This man will be the one described in Revelation as the false prophet and the Antichrist who will cause everyone to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads. This will not be an addition to the role he will play, but part of it.

It is unlikely that a one-world economic system, described in Revelation 13, would be set up overnight. Clearly, a foundation would have to be laid beforehand before it could be put into action. That means this foundation, as well as the environment to even set up this foundation, would need to come prior to the point at which the coming world ruler steps into position.
Though it seems an unlikely candidate to do so, it appears that the Vatican may be fulfilling a role to parlay it into prepping for the foundation necessary to this kind of arrangement. In a possible step toward a one-world economic system, the Vatican recently called for a new global economic authority. The document put forth by the Vatican calls for a new global economic authority that could impose penalties on member states as "way of ensuring that they possess efficient markets." This plan would involve the establishment of a central world bank to rule over financial institutions that have become outdated and often ineffective in dealing fairly with crises. It would also give this new authority the power to tax financial transactions.
The document submitted by the Vatican to lay out this plan stated: "The economic and financial crisis which the world is going through calls everyone, individuals and peoples, to examine in depth the principles and the cultural and moral values at the basis of social coexistence."
Hmmm. This sounds suspiciously like a giant leap toward a one-world economic system. If so, and if God chooses to utilize this, we could be seeing the foundation laid toward the fulfillment of the global economy as portrayed in Revelation 13:16-18
—the forcing of the world's population to take the mark of the beast.

Of course, this proposal did not come out of thin air. It was motivated by the current financial crisis which has enveloped the globe.
As mentioned, an environment prepares the way for a foundation, which then gives rise to the structure to be built upon it. The current global financial crisis is the environment which appears to be spurring the creation of a foundation, a foundation that may prepare the way for the one-world economic system.
Based on predictions by economists, along with the current European picture, the astronomical debt of the U.S. government, and the basic bankruptcy of some third-world countries, the near-future appears to present a grim picture. If we consider, along with this, the serious discussions in the International Monetary Fund to replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency, it seems we have the perfect environment to foment action toward laying a foundation for a one-world economy.
Time will tell, but what Bible-believing Christians do know is that God is in control. He has allowed this mix for the fulfillment of His kingdom plan. Since He has predicted the one-world economic system, we know that, not only will it occur, but God will direct the details toward its accomplishment.
But since God IS in control, this is not a time for panic for those who trust Him. Instead, it is a day of awe, as we see Him aligning the events for the complete fulfillment of His word; and it is a time of preparing for the return of Christ.
by John Claeys
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