Friday, July 20, 2012
War in the Middle East
With the Middle East spinning around at present faster than a Hanukkah dreidel, some have been writing to seek my opinion on the possible prophetic implications of the escalating warfare in Syria and the dramatic Muslim Brotherhood advance in Egypt. Although I am a journalist by profession, having reported the news from Israel and the region since the early 1980s, I also have a longtime personal interest in eschatological biblical prophecy. This is evidenced by my authorship of two prophetic novels, THE END OF DAYS and MILLENNIUM: THE LORD REIGNS. I also touched upon some prophetic themes in my 2001 book, ISRAEL IN CRISIS: WHAT LIES AHEAD? Plus there is the fact that the essence of all biblical prophecy is nothing less than news that has not yet transpired. It is history (His story) revealed before it has actually unraveled on the world stage. In other words, it is hardly divorced from the news.
High Alert as Syria's Assad Goes Missing
The following is an excerpt from an Arutz Sheva news report (emphasis added mine):
The IDF raised its alert level and canceled weekend leaves in some units on Thursday as the situation in Syria continues to destabilize.
A bomb in Damascus on Wednesday killed several members of President Bashar al-Assad's inner circle, including Defense Minister Daoud Rajha, General Hassan Turkmani, and Assad's brother-in-law Assef Shawka, who was Syria’s Interior Minister.
Several other key officials were seriously wounded in the attack, and Assad's whereabouts are presently unknown.
For Israel, this raises several potentially dangerous scenarios, not the least of which involves the security of Syria's chemical weapons stockpiles. Jerusalem is concerned they could end up in the hands of the Hizbullah terror organization.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Syria Moving Scuds to Israel, Turkey Borders

Sunday, April 15, 2012
The Dual Prophecies of Iran – Part Two
Welcome to part two of this study regarding Iran in Bible prophecy. Part one, called "Why Iran's Absent from Psalm 83," lodged logical explanations as to why Iran is not part of the Psalm 83 Arab – Israeli war. Part two provides logistical reasons by demonstrating that Iran seemingly faces a double jeopardy in the days to come. This entire study is taken from the commentary of Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon.
Even though Iran appears to be absent from the climactic, concluding Arab-Israeli War, they are not excluded from two other significant end-time's events. The one most widely taught among eschatologists today is described in Ezekiel 38, and is commonly called the Gog of Magog invasion of Israel. In Ezekiel's prophecy modern day Iran is represented by ancient Persia, and is clearly identified militarily "with a shield and a helmet," in Russia's coalition.
Why Iran's Absent From Psalm 83 – Part One
As the Psalm 83 confederates image depicts, Syrians and Iraqis find association through Assyria, Hezbollah via Tyre in Lebanon, and Hamas hailing from Gaza connects with Philistia. However, there is no mention of Iranians by their three primary historical names, Elamites, Medes, or Persians. This is puzzling, considering Iran reportedly formed bona fide war-pacts in December, 2009, with Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas. Because Iran is presently providing weapons to Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas, some suggest Iran may be included in Psalm 83 as part of the Assyrians. The Assyrians seem to be among the stronger members in the psalm, because they support the Jordanian army referred to as the children of Lot (Moab and Ammon) in Psalm 83:3

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Psalm 83 – A Prophecy In Process
A Google search of "The Psalm 83 prophecy" on March 31, 2012 displayed 1,380,000 results. Another Google search on the same day under "The Psalm 83 war," uncovered 2,460,000 results. These numbers reflect approximately fifty-times as many results than there were in the same month 4 years prior. I recall, because in 2008 my book, Isralestine the Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East, was published and I had attempted to find research over the Internet on these two subjects.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
The Global March to Jerusalem
Once again, Israel is confronted by a major threat to its existence, namely, the so-called Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ) scheduled for March 30th. It is organized by the usual suspects-the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the swelling tribe of Ayatollah lovers, the devil's spawn of radical Leftists-whose intention is to mobilize a million people to breach Israel's borders and converge on Jerusalem. They are convinced that Israel will either find itself helpless before a "peaceful" onslaught of this magnitude or be forced to take action that would lead to a PR disaster. From their perspective, it's a win-win situation. One way or another, Israel would be gravely weakened and, according to an unlettered exchange between some of the event's organizers, "This will undermine the Israeli state…& the Zionist edifice which is unraveling as we speak, will soon fall."
Gog Enters the Middle East
Russian anti-terror troops are now on the ground in Syria. Russia's Defense Ministry acknowledged that the navy's Iman oil tanker arrived at the Syrian port of Tartus. Their official mission is to assist Russian navy ships on anti-piracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden and “for demonstrating the Russian presence in the turbulent region and possible evacuation of Russian citizens."
Russia has supported many of Israel's enemies with weapons, but it has never directly involved its soldiers on the ground. "This is the first time in modern history that Russia directly intervenes on the ground in the Middle East,” said Abdul Rahman, manager of the Al-Arabiya news channel. “With its forces, Russia truly threatens security and stability in the region. This could be the start of a Russian invasion."
An Iron Dome
There was an interesting event this past week in Israel that points to the Bible’s promises being true.
Despite a flimsy agreement that Palestinian terrorists would halt rocket attacks against Israeli targets, of course more came over. Nine rockets, including the long-range Grad rockets and four mortar shells, hit Israeli territory. This is more “fallout” from the ill-advised pullout from Gaza seven years ago.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Russian Troops Arrive in Syria to help Assad
In a move that is making waves across the international news outlets, it is being reported that Russia "anti-terror" troops have arrived in Syria to help Syrian President Assad with his internal crackdown on the opposition. While this is not really a surprising move, for watchers of Bible prophecy this event could be a watershed moment as "Magog" begins to make it's present felt in the region. The prophet Ezekiel predicted thousands of years ago that in the latter day or end times that there would be a surprise invasion of Israel led by none other than "Magog" or Russia.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Viability of Iranian attack
It's late in Iran on a dark night, moonless or with heavy clouds. Suddenly the silence is broken by sonic booms, followed by the sound of jets roaring overhead.
Flying in tight formation, Israeli fighter planes drop bunker-busting bombs on a nuclear enrichment plant built into the side of a mountain.
Iranian pilots race for their own jets to fight back, but by the time they take to the sky, it's too late. The Israeli jets streak away.
That, at least, is what Israel would like to happen if it decides to attack Iran in an effort to prevent it from acquiring the ability to make nuclear weapons.
But would it be as easy for Israel to destroy Iran's nuclear sites as it was for the Jewish state to strike an Iraqi reactor in 1981 or a suspected one in Syria five years ago?
Monday, March 12, 2012
The Struggle for Jerusalem
Israel's missile shield aces first serious test
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's Iron Dome rocket shield has aced its first serious test. Gaza's Hamas rulers have been careful to stay on the sidelines. And Islamic Jihad — now closer to Iran than is its larger rival Hamas — is taking the lead in this round against Israel.
These are some of the trends emerging from four days of fighting between Israel's air force and Gaza rocket squads, triggered by Israel's killing of a militant leader last week. Twenty-four Palestinians have been killed, including seven on Monday, and about 1 million Israelis in rocket range have seen their lives disrupted by the threat of rocket attacks, with frequent sirens warning them to run for cover.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Iran and Israel’s fate
US President Barack Obama has made it clear on numerous occasions that with regard to stopping Iran, “all options are on the table.” In recent days his message has become more emphatic.
Last week, he told The Atlantic that “when the United States says it is unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon, we mean what we say.” In a speech on Sunday to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, he declared that his policy was not to contain Iran, it was “to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.” As Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu noted in his speech to AIPAC on Monday, “Israel has the same policy. “We are determined to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. We leave all options on the table. And containment is definitely not an option.”
Last week, he told The Atlantic that “when the United States says it is unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon, we mean what we say.” In a speech on Sunday to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, he declared that his policy was not to contain Iran, it was “to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.” As Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu noted in his speech to AIPAC on Monday, “Israel has the same policy. “We are determined to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. We leave all options on the table. And containment is definitely not an option.”
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Israel cannot wait any longer
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday called on the international community to acknowledge the fact that Iran was developing nuclear weapons. His comments came as he winds up a high-profile U.S. visit focused on Iran’s perceived nuclear threat after warning that his country would not live in the “shadow of annihilation.”
Monday, March 5, 2012
Iran, Syria, Hezbollah threaten military attack
If Syria is attacked by outside forces as it cracks down on its own people, Iran, Syria and the terrorist group Hezbollah in Lebanon will attack Israeli and American targets with missiles, sources within all three reveal.
According to Mashregh News, an Iranian media outlet run by the Revolutionary Guards, sources in Syria report that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad last Thursday issued a secret directive that should the country be attacked by America, its military will counterattack.
Monday, February 27, 2012
The Russian bear's growling is one of fear
Moscow's steely support of Assad is intended to allow it to stand strong and face the West as a world power in its own right. And there is nothing like an election campaign for standing up to the whole world and bringing back some good old-fashioned imperialism.SOCHI, Russia - Dozens of decision-makers and shapers of public opinion from Russia and the Middle East met here earlier this month under the auspices of the Kremlin. They came to discuss the "Transformation in the Arab World and Russia's Interests," as the Valdai Discussion Club, established by the Russian news and information agency RIA Novosti, called its conference.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Don’t Bet Against Israel on Iran
Israeli officials are pushing back against what appears to be a growing perception among experts and analysts that its military lacks the capability to deal a significant blow to Iran’s nuclear installations, warning skeptics not to underestimate the Jewish state.
The officials, including currently serving political figures and retired military officers, pointed out in interviews with The Daily Beast that Israel has a history of surprising its enemies and surpassing expectations, from the lightning assault of the 1967 war to the daring rescue operation for hostages at Entebbe in 1976.
Friday, February 24, 2012
You Don’t Mess With Israel!
Geesh! Some so-called Christians these days get on my last nerve. I made the mistake of reading the excellent article, So Jesus Lived in Occupied Territory, by Jan Markell, on the Rapture Ready website and got so disgusted I wanted to stick a pencil in somebody! Up until that point, I was blissfully unaware that an international conference called, Christ at the Checkpoint even existed. Blech!
Apparently this symposium, held in Bethlehem of all places, features some of the ‘intellectually elite Christian thinkers of our time.’ This yearly conference started in 2010 and its overall theme is, (hold your nose!) “Hope in the Midst of Conflict.”
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Iranian Threat Heats Up
Iran announced Sunday that it was cutting off crude oil sales to France and England, a mostly symbolic act given that Iran provides England less than 1% of its crude, and France claims that it "practically stopped importing Iranian oil," according to the head of the Union of Petroleum Industries. A few days later, the head of Iran's armed forces threatened to attack Israel preemptively through its terrorist proxies in Lebanon and Gaza. The Iranians are once again using bluster to counter the E.U. ban on Iranian oil slated to begin on July 1, and the threat of Belgium-based SWIFT to ban Iran from its system for facilitating transfers of payments among nations through its international network of banks. As a further provocation, the Iranians sent two warships through the Suez Canal in a show of support for global pariah Syria. This follows the Iranian-engineered terrorist attacks on Israeli targets in India, Georgia, and Thailand.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
IDF gearing up to invade Gaza
Israeli media this week reported that the IDF is gearing up for another large-scale ground incursion into the Gaza Strip to halt terrorist rocket fire and curb the threat posed by groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
The Jerusalem Post reported last month that the IDF General Staff had ordered the Southern Command to draw up plans for a Gaza incursion. Over the weekend, the paper revealed that a growing number of senior officers in the Southern Command are now pushing for the order to be given to begin the attack.
IDF fears Syria attack as pressure builds on Assad
Today the Jerusalem Post reported in an article that there is growing concern in the IDF that Syrian President Bashar Assad could possibly try to lash out at Israel over mounting internal pressure. As we have been discussing in recent editions of the Rapture Report regarding Syria and the 11-month conflict in that state, the reality that we could see a fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah 17 seems to move closer and closer into view. The prophecy in Isaiah 17 centers around the "destruction" of Damascus and that it becomes an uninhabited city in the future. With Syria possessing one of the world's largest stockpiles of chemicals weapons, there is a very good chance that Assad might act in a way that could fulfill this prophecy given that Israel has in the past warned Damascus that any use of chemical weapons on the Jewish state would result in a devastating strike on Damascus.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Is Chatter about Attack on Iran Dangerous for Israel?
The chatter about a possible Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities has become loud and dangerous. At one point the Netanyahu government found the extensive discussion related to an imminent Israeli attack on Iran useful, as it expedited Western action against Iran in the form of tougher sanctions. However, all this talk may now put Israel in a dangerous position wherein Iran may use it as a pretext to strike first.
A February 2 report in the Washington Post that stated "U.S. Secretary of Defense is concerned Israel will launch an attack before Iran enters so-called ‘immunity zone' when military strike won't bust Iran's nuclear facilities." Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta is reported as saying that he believes that Israel will attack Iran in April, May or June. The Washington Post's David Ignatius wrote that Panetta thinks that Israel will attack because after the ‘immunity zone' expires the nuclear facilities will be heavily fortified and a military strike will no longer succeed.
Turkey's Siren Song on Iran
Turkey's foreign minister came to Washington on Friday, trying to push another fake "peace in our time" deal with Iran. Given the Obama administration's track record with Iran to date, they may take it – with disastrous consequences.
Ahmed Davotoglu hectored members of Congress and activists who have been pushing for tough measures on the Iranian regime, arguing that a spoonful of sugar was all that was needed to get Iran to "cut a deal on limits to its nuclear program."
"The deal is clear. It could be resolved in a few days," Davotoglu said. The problem was "mutual distrust," made worse by U.S. sanctions. "What happened [as a result of sanctions]? Iran produced more" enriched uranium, he argued.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Peace and Safety
Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. (1 Thess. 5:1-3

The one time when people are sure to talk about peace and safety is just after they've experienced the horrible effects of war. For example, I remember as a kid seeing movies of people dancing in the streets of New York when they learned that World War 2 had finally ended. Soon the military was all but dismantled and people everywhere expressed a joyous expectation of peace.
Of course this turned out to be only an illusion. A scant five years after the end of WW2 the US was at war again in Korea. But people have an amazing sense of optimism, even if it's only based on illusion, something I think we're about to have confirmed again in 2012. I think circumstances are ripe for a brief but intense war in the Middle East.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Report: Syrian Armored Forces Move Nearer to Israel
An interesting article headline caught my attention today and as I pondered the implications of such a move it struck me as being a potentially serious situation. As we all know Syria is under a near civil war that has been raging for 11 months now. The Free Syria Army is the main opposition group fighting Assad's forces. Assad's forces are trying desperately to maintain the deadly grip Assad has on Syria. Today's headlines show that the opposition group has seen indications that Assad is moving chemical weapons of mass destruction into the area in order to fight the Free Syria Army. The Israel National News website is reporting:
Iran sends 15,000 Elite Iranian Revolutionary Guard Soldiers to support Assad
With the state of Syria getting worse with each passing day, new signs point to continued problems in Syria as Bashar Assad deals with an uprising that is threatening his over decade rule. News reports coming out of the region are suggesting that the Iranians are indeed helping Assad as he tries to maintain his grip on Syria. With the Russians currently stationed on the coast of Syria at Tartus and new news reports that up to 15,000 Special Forces "Quds" troops from Iran are helping Assad to me it shows the dedication and importance that Syria's allies have made in trying to protect the Syrian regime. Russia has a stake in Syria as they are one of their largest, if not largest, arms importer of Russian military equipment. Russia is keen to keep the money flowing to it's arms industries.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Iran's atomic weapons likely out of Israel's reach
Israeli leaders threaten to attack Iran's atomic weapons facilities within the next nine months before Tehran enters the "immunity zone" to then build a bomb. But it might already be too late for Israel operating alone to inflict severe damage on Iran's atomic weapons program.
Last week Israel's defense minister Ehud Barak coined the term "immunity zone" to refer to the point when Iran's atomic weapons know-how, raw materials, experience and equipment are heavily fortified in deep bunkers, immune from an Israeli attack. That means Israel must stop Iran this year before it gains atomic weapons or accept a nuclear armed enemy.
Let There Be No Mistake About Iran's Nuclear Intentions
The diplomatic chatter over an Israeli strike against Iran's nuclear program has reached new heights. There have been several secret meetings in the past week related to the topic. Israel has also sent out an order putting "Israeli facilities in North America and around the world...on high alert." According to an internal security document obtained by ABC News, "We predict that the threat on our sites around the world will increase…on both our guarded sites and 'soft' sites."
Probably the clearest indication that a strike is getting very near is the Obama administration publicly squabbling with Israel about the need for more time to allow diplomacy and sanctions to work. "There is still time and space to pursue diplomacy with Iran over its nuclear program," said State Department spokesman Mark Toner. He added that the U.S. "is absolutely committed to preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons."
Russia: An attack on Tehran is an attack on Moscow
In bible prophecy we are told of a military confederacy which will come against the nation of Israel in the "latter years" (Ezekiel 38:8

The confederacy of which I'm speaking is believed by most to consist of the following nations:
- Magog - Most agree this is a reference to Russia.
- Meshech - Most associate this with modern day Turkey, ancient Anatolia, but some say it refers to the Moscow area.
- Tubal - Most associate this with modern day Turkey, ancient Anatolia.
- Persia - modern Iran
- Ethiopia
- Libya
- Gomer - eastern Europe or Turkey
- Togarmah - southeastern Europe or Turkey
Gog-Magog: Turkey and Hamas Relationship Blossoming
In bible prophecy we are told of a battle which will occur in the last days. Often referred to as the Battle of Gog-Magog, the list of nations which will participate in this end times attack on the nation of Israel are revealed to us in Ezekiel 38.
Below is a list of nations believed by most to be future members of the Gog-Magog confederacy:
- Magog - Most agree this is a reference to Russia.
- Meshech - Most associate this with modern day Turkey, ancient Anatolia, but some say it refers to the Moscow area.
- Tubal - Most associate this with modern day Turkey, ancient Anatolia.
- Persia - modern Iran
- Ethiopia
- Libya
- Gomer - eastern Europe or Turkey
- Togarmah - southeastern Europe or Turkey
The Final Countdown: Israel vs. Iran
The 33-year farce of Western appeasement of Iran may be reaching its denouement. For the last few months, the pace of events have quickened as the West sanctions and threatens, and Iran blusters about closing the Strait of Hormuz, cutting off oil to Europe, and unleashing its terrorist proxies. Just last week Iran's "Supreme Leader" Ayatollah Ali Khamenei subtly suggested that Iran would step up its already considerable support of terrorist outfits targeting Israel and the U.S.: "From now on, in any place, if any nation or any group confronts the Zionist regime, we will endorse and we will help. We have no fear expressing this." Indulging traditional Islamic anti-Semitic language, Khamenei said Israel was a "cancerous tumor that should be cut and will be cut," and claimed that the U.S. would suffer defeat and damage its regional prestige if it decides to use military force to stop the country's nuclear program.
The 'Tide of War' Is Not Receding
On January 29, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta was interviewed on CBS news. When asked about the situation with Iran, Secretary Panetta responded: "[I]f they [Iran] decided to [build a nuclear device], it would probably take them about a year … [and] …if they proceed and [if] we get intelligence…then…there are no options that are off the table" for the US commitment to stop Iran from building a nuclear arsenal.
Sounds good, except for all the "ifs:" "if they produce" and "if we get intelligence" and "if they decide to do it"
Panetta's "ifs" create the impression that there may in fact be no threat from Iran, that Iran may not be pursuing nuclear capacity, that there is as yet no actionable intelligence about Iranian WMDs, and that maybe Iran has not decided to pursue a nuclear option.
To Bomb or Not to Bomb Iran
Itchy trigger fingers can cause wars. A pre-emptive conventional weapons bombing strike against Iran's known nuclear facilities could do more harm than good….or at least so say some.[i]
And indeed there is the real and frightening possibility that an Israeli or American attack might unite Iran's disaffected anti-Mullah 30-somethings into a furious show of patriotism and thus lock in the current mullah-cracy (aka the Islamic Republic of Iran) for another generation. Such an attack might also have a similar effect on the current Syrian regime; radicalize the Muslim world against the West; ignite Hezbollah on the Lebanese border; re-invigorate a flagging Hamas; endanger US troops in Iraq; spark revenge terror attacks; propel oil prices skyward; trigger a regional war; prompt Iran's closure of the Straits of Hormuz; and cause stock markets world-wide to plummet. And then again, it might not.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Who Are the 'Syrian People'?
Speaking at the UN Security Council last week Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared, "It is time for the international community to put aside our own differences and send a clear message of support to the people of Syria." And the day after the Security Council vote with Russia and China vetoing the resolution to adopt the Arab League plan, a frustrated Mrs. Clinton repeated her call to "support the Syrian people's right to have a better future."
Monday, February 6, 2012
The Syrian Powder Keg: Building toward an End-Times Climax
The slaughter continues. Over the weekend, Syria's army unleashed a massacre on Homs, killing 350 and wounding 1,300.
Nearly a year ago, protestors began to call for change in Syria. President Bashar al-Assad responded by sending his forces to put down these protests by shooting into crowds and by imprisoning and torturing survivors. However, his tactics effectively poured gasoline on the fire, as protests massively grew across the nation. But Assad continued his gruesome tactic, which then spawned an epidemic of desertions from his military, providing the opposition movement armed soldiers. Thus, a civil war is now waging across Syria, and Assad is desperately seeking to hang onto power—and onto life itself.
Assad's troubles are heaping up. For example, last week, Syrian opposition leader Colonel Riyad al-As'ad declared that half of Syria is no longer under Assad's control. In addition, there is mounting pressure on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down from Arab leaders. Furthermore, Syrian army defections are rising sharply.
50 Reasons Why we are living in the end times – Part 2
"You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars... for nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom..." (Matthew 24:6-7)
I taught international politics for 20 years before I entered the ministry full time, so this is an area that is particularly fascinating to me.
The Bible prophesies a very specific end time configuration of world politics. Israel is pictured as being re-established (Ezekiel 37:21-22) and surrounded by hostile Arab neighbors intent on its destruction (Ezekiel 35:1 - 36:7). This, of course has been the situation in the Middle East since the Israeli Declaration of Independence in May of 1948.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Fulfilled: Rumours of War Rising
In recent publications we reviewed the Bible prophecies relating to earthquakes. We concluded that a rise in the frequency of earthquakes yet lies ahead for the world; moreover, that there are two distinct groups of earthquakes that are yet to occur. Firstly, there is the heightened earthquake activity that unfolds in the first half of the Tribulation period. These quakes are the ones mentioned by Christ in the Olivet Discourse. (“Earthquakes in divers places,” Matthew 24:7, KJV
). Secondly, there are five earthquake occurrences mentioned in the Book of Revelation, all of which follow the 5th seal, therefore falling into the Great Tribulation period (namely, the latter 42 months of the 7-year Tribulation).

The Olivet prophecies mention other end time phenomena occurring besides earthquakes. When the disciples asked Christ, “When shall these things be?” He said the following:
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Has God Judged America?
There has been a lot of speculation in the news of recent whether the USA has lost the blessing of God due to their stance against Israel and the attempts by various Presidents to divide the land in Israel by forcing Israel to go back to Pre- 1967 borders. Let's look at some facts.
Genesis 12:3
…”And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”
Genesis 12:3
God says what He means and means what He says!
I believe that God started His warnings to the USA to change their stance on Israel's occupation, 20 years ago on the 30th October 1991 when the first President Bush opened the Madrid Conference that began the “land for peace” process that would give Israeli homes & land to the PA.Isaiah 17, and the destruction of Damascus?
The oracle concerning Damascus in Isaiah 17 tells us that Damascus will be totally destroyed at some point in time (Isaiah 17:1-3
Bashar al-Assad has faced a chorus of criticism over his eight-month crackdown on opposition protesters that has left, according to sources reporting to the UN, at least 3,500 people dead. Despite the fact that many Western powers condemns Syria's brutal crackdown, the regime has shown no indication that it will soften its position.
Bombs over Persia
“Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:” Ezekiel 38:2-3
. Are we seeing the beginning of the fulfillment of the prophecy God gave to Ezekiel? In the last few weeks the extreme rhetoric that has been tossed back and forth by Iran, Russia, the US, and Israel is striking to say the least. After my commentary entitled “Hybrids” was posted to the internet a few weeks ago people have been asking me “What’s next?” So what is next? Well, what’s the whole world witnessing today?
“Iran plans one-kiloton underground nuclear test in 2012” DEBKAfile Special Report January 10, 2012.

“Iran plans one-kiloton underground nuclear test in 2012” DEBKAfile Special Report January 10, 2012.
50 Reasons Why we are living in the end times - Part 1
The Bible says we cannot know the time of the Lord's return (Matthew 25:13

"You yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night... But you brethren, are not in darkness, that the day should overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night or darkness; so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober."
Myths and Facts about Israel
The devil hates the Jewish people with a passion. The Jews are the ones who gave mankind the Bible and the Savior, Jesus Christ. It should come as no surprise that nations who are demonically controlled would share in the devil's hatred of Israel. On this page, I've listed a number of popular myths about Israel, and I've also provided facts to counter those lies.
MYTH: "The land of Israel is really the land of Palestine."
FACT: The term "Palestine" is believed to be derived from the Philistines, an Aegean people who, in the 12th Century BC, settled along the Mediterranean coastal plain of what is now Israel and the Gaza Strip. In the second century AD, after crushing the last Jewish revolt, the Romans first applied the name Palaestina to Judea (the southern portion of what is now called the West Bank) in an attempt to minimize Jewish identification with the land of Israel.
FACT: The term "Palestine" is believed to be derived from the Philistines, an Aegean people who, in the 12th Century BC, settled along the Mediterranean coastal plain of what is now Israel and the Gaza Strip. In the second century AD, after crushing the last Jewish revolt, the Romans first applied the name Palaestina to Judea (the southern portion of what is now called the West Bank) in an attempt to minimize Jewish identification with the land of Israel.
How God Is Preparing Israel for the Return of Christ
Belief in God is on the rise in Israel. More than 80 percent of Israeli Jews believe in God, as discovered from a survey by the Guttman-Avi Chai foundation. This same survey also found that over 70 percent of Israeli Jews accept the Biblical principle that the Jewish people have been "chosen" by God for a specific prophetic destiny. Seventy-one percent of respondents said they want increased biblical studies in Israeli schools.
Moreover, statistics provided by Google showed Israelis search for Jesus more than 25,000 times per month. They do so, not by the name "Jesus," but by the Hebrew equivalent, "Yeshua," which makes this fact even more fascinating. For it shows they are not looking for the American Jesus; instead, they are searching for the Hebrew Jesus.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Russia, Syria, Iran & End-Times Prophecy
The Putin-led government signed a $550 million contract with Syria in December to provide 36 Yak-130 Mitten combat trainers to the Syrian government, which can serve as a heavily-armed ground attack and counterinsurgency aircraft. It is estimated that Russia has $5 billion in potential arms exports to Syria in the works, with this latest project aimed to help Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stay in power.
Thus, Russia is placing its bets on Assad's regime. However, regional experts do not see this as a good and wise bet. Why?
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
God’s Replacement Theology: Replacing the Church with Israel
Once upon a time, a tailor became very wealthy through diligence to his craft and, as a result, he became the object of envy by others and of great respect by many. As his long life drew to a close, he felt the desire to give the benefit of his secret to success to other tailors, so he invited them from all over to come at an appointed time to learn the great secret by which they, too, might become wealthy. A great many knights of the thimble responded to this seemingly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; and while they waited in anxious silence to hear the important revelation, he was raised up in his bed, and with his expiring breath uttered this brief and final statement: "Always put a knot in your thread."
Monday, January 23, 2012
Jerusalem: A Sign of the Nearness of Christ’s Return
A prophetic declaration by Jesus buried in Luke 21 is often overlooked in discussions and teachings of Bible prophecy, but it may be the single most compelling verse of Scripture pointing to the nearness of end-times fulfillment. In fact, this powerful proof of the soon return of Christ is not even a full verse; it is the last half of verse 24: "Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled."
Sunday, January 22, 2012
The Vatican’s Proposal: Toward a One-World Economic System?
During World War I, the German treasury was low in gold, its budget was unbalanced, and inflation went sky high. In 1919, the German mark was worth twenty US cents, or four marks to the dollar. Within four years it plunged in value to seven thousand marks to the dollar in January, one hundred sixty thousand to the dollar in July, and one million to the dollar in August.
Panic and madness swept the country. People carried suitcases of money to buy a sausage. And the mark kept falling—until, when in November of that year, 4.2 trillion marks were needed to equal one dollar in buying power.
Friday, January 20, 2012
How to Survive Hard Economic Times
Our nation is on a collision course with financial calamity. America’s national debt is at historic high levels, and we are running deficits that cannot be maintained without eventually bankrupting our nation. The question at hand is how we can survive the economic hardship that would result from a default scenario.
I should probably first explain why Terry and I believe that a "Great Depression" scenario is unlikely to occur just ahead of the Rapture. Here is a condensed version of an email we sent out earlier this week:
I should probably first explain why Terry and I believe that a "Great Depression" scenario is unlikely to occur just ahead of the Rapture. Here is a condensed version of an email we sent out earlier this week:
We believe Jesus was talking about the Rapture climate in (Luke 17:26-29
). He used the "days of Noah and days of Lot" to prophesy the time of His coming again. He listed conditions at the time of that coming. People will be building, marrying, and planting--it will be business pretty much as usual for the times. Those times will, of course, be wicked--much like the mockers and violence of Noah's day leading up to the Flood and the homosexuality and violence leading up to Sodom's destruction.

Friday, January 13, 2012
Nations in Alignment with Israel?
Suddenly, formerly pro-Arab Greece appears to be very pro-Israel. On Tuesday, Greece and Israel pledged to increase defense cooperation. So, what is behind this? It appears that economics may be the answer. Greece is essentially broke and spiraling downward economically, while Israel's financial state looks exceedingly good.
But beyond that, Greece is a typical European nation that is dependent on foreign oil and natural gas providers, while Israel has an abundance of both, thanks to discoveries in the past three years. In fact, it has been estimated that Israel has more oil shale than does Saudi Arabia. In addition, the Jewish nation has two massive natural gas deposits. Greece has a keen interest in participating with its traditional Greek ally Cyprus, which has made a deal with Israel to develop the undersea gas deposits in the Mediterranean.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Israel in Today's End Times
Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects of the end times in which we live is the rebirth of the modern state of Israel. The prophet Ezekiel recorded in the Bible that in the end times God would bring the Jews back into their ancient land and that once he had done that he would never allow the to be destroyed or scattered among the nations again. Unlike some teachings that have crept into the church today that teaches that Israel has been replaced by the church but this simply is not so. God declared that he would bring the Jews back into the land here in the end times and that he would gather them from the four corners of the Earth in order to fulfill his plans for the redemption of man, both Jew and Gentile.
Will 2012 Be the Year Israel Attacks Iran?
Iran believes that an Israeli attack may occur in 2012. Sources inside the Persian state say that insiders surrounding Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei truly believes an attack will be launched on Iran before the presidential election. Therefore, the regime is preparing for that very real possibility.
This thinking coincides with that of the British officials who announced Israel will attack Iran—soon! Their declaration, made in mid-November, stated that the Jewish nation could even hit Iran by Christmas, though we now know that date came and passed without incident. However, the Brits have not changed their minds on the belief that Israel's military strike will occur, though they now believe it will happen in 2012.
This thinking coincides with that of the British officials who announced Israel will attack Iran—soon! Their declaration, made in mid-November, stated that the Jewish nation could even hit Iran by Christmas, though we now know that date came and passed without incident. However, the Brits have not changed their minds on the belief that Israel's military strike will occur, though they now believe it will happen in 2012.
Monday, January 9, 2012
The Palestinians: Victims of Jewish Oppression or Pawns in an Arab Conspiracy?
A good friend of mine who is a missionary recently wrote to me to express his concern over my strong support of Israel in its struggle with the Arabs. He expressed compassion for the Palestinians, and stated that he felt like I was being unfair toward them.
I responded as follows: "In your letter you stated that you were afraid I had developed a ‘spiritual blind spot' regarding Israel and the Palestinians. You based that conclusion on cartoons I have run in the Lamplighter and on articles I have written about the Middle East.
"I can certainly understand your feeling, and I respect it, but I strongly differ with it. I feel the ‘blind spot' rests with the Church and the World. Both have hated the Jewish people and have done everything possible to persecute them for the past 2,000 years. Now that God has sovereignly regathered the Jewish people from the four corners of the earth and has re-established them as a nation, both the Church and the World are enraged and are determined to aid and abet the enemies of Israel in any way possible.
"The leadership of the PLO is made up entirely of low-life, god-hating, murderous thugs, and I intend to make that clear to my audience in no uncertain terms, using both words and cartoons. I make no apology for it. I pray daily for God to pour out His wrath upon them.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
The Impending Fall of Iran
Iran is just months away from acquiring a nuclear weapon, so states U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. As recently reported, Panetta's "reference to 'a hidden facility somewhere in Iran that may be enriching fuel' reflects the growing conviction among Western and Middle East intelligence experts that Iran has fast-tracked its high-grade uranium enrichment in underground facilities."
Israeli diplomats, military officials, and intelligence personnel were in Washington in December to argue that Iran is much farther along in its nuclear process than U.S. officials have stated. Evidence for this assertion includes soil samples collected at nuclear sites in Iran.
Israeli diplomats, military officials, and intelligence personnel were in Washington in December to argue that Iran is much farther along in its nuclear process than U.S. officials have stated. Evidence for this assertion includes soil samples collected at nuclear sites in Iran.
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